Personnel changes require that we update the contact information for our FCC Grantee Code that was registered many years ago. What do we need to do?
Please refer to KDB 204515 D01 Grantee Code v01r04 for all of the details on this very important identifier. Grantee Code database entries should always reflect the most current company and contact information in order to ensure compliance with the FCC rules and regulations.
Changes to the company or contact information are submitted electronically through an online process that requires the FCC Grantee Code and the associated six-digit FCC Grantee Code Registration Number.
If there is no record of the FCC Grantee Code Registration Number, it will be necessary to request it from the FCC before you can submit the request to change the contact information.
Refer to KDB Section D for instructions to request the Grantee Code Registration Number. Once the FCC provides it, refer to Section C for instructions to submit the necessary changes to the contact
information, per the relevant circumstances.
It is strongly recommended that the designated Grantee Code contact review and acknowledge their stated responsibilities as described in KDB 394321 D01 Grantee Responsibilities v01 prior to submitting their contact information to the FCC.
Please note that if your company has more than one registered FCC Grantee Code, it may be necessary to update more than one Grantee Code database listing depending on the circumstances.